The T.R.E.E.S Research Center property borders the Sibun Forest Reserve, which is accessible from trails starting at the station, including a hike to a majestic 3-tiered 100 m waterfall. We are also in close proximity to a number of nearby National Parks, including Five Blues Lake National Park (5 miles away), Billy Barquedier National Park (10 miles away), and St. Herman’s Blue Hole National Park (15 miles away).
The Sibun Forest Reserve is at the northern extent of the southern block of protected areas, which is a huge tract of virgin forest that composes an area of 1,290,000 acres and includes Belize’s largest protected areas, including the Cockscomb Basin Jaguar Preserve, the Chiquibul National Park, and the Bladen Nature Reserve, as well as smaller reserves such as the Sittee River Forest Reserve and the Manatee Forest Reserve.
For more information on the Parks and Reserves of Belize, we suggest this link: http://www.guidetobelize.info/en/activity/belize-nature-national-park-guide.shtml